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Library of Congress

Historic Building
Washington, DC

The Library of Congress offers some beautiful rooms in its Jefferson and Madison Buildings, located at the corner of First Street and Independence Avenue, S.E., for evening events.

Number of spaces

5 event spaces


Max Seated: 450
Max Standing: 1200

Food & Beverage

All catering welcome


In-house A/V



The Library of Congress, the largest library in the world and America's oldest federal cultural institution, was founded in 1800 to serve the needs of Congress. The Library has grown into an unparalleled treasure house of the world's knowledge and America's creativity. Your guests will have the opportunity to learn more about the architecture and collections of the Library of Congress through viewing its current exhibitions and meeting Library of Congress staff.





Max Seated: 450 Max Standing: 1200

Food & Beverage

All catering welcome

The Library of Congress approves the sponsor's choice of caterer based upon the caterer's agreement to adhere to the Library's guidelines for caterers and contractors. Otherwise, the Library does not restrict the sponsor's selection of a caterer.


In-house A/V


If you cancel your reservation more than 30 days before the date of the event, the Library will refund 75 percent of the administrative fee excluding any direct costs incurred. If you cancel the event 30 days or less before the date of the event, the Library will retain 100 percent of your administrative payment, and any direct costs incurred. The remainder of the direct costs will be refunded to you.

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