MAMbo - Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna
MAMbo - Museum of Modern Art of Bologna is the headquarters of the Bologna Museums Institution which belongs to the Modern and Contemporary Art Area.
MAMbo – Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna is the venue of Settore Musei Civici Bologna devoted to Contemporary Art. The museum offers a dynamic perspective: it travels through the history of Italian art from the second post-war period until today; it explores the present thanks to an exhibition centered on research and it contributes to outline the routes of contemporary art following the most innovative and pulsating experimental practices. Located in the heart of the Manifattura delle Arti cultural district, the museum is the focus of various research- and innovation-based activities, such as the Cineteca di Bologna, the DMS workshop spaces, the Communication Sciences Faculty and many associations and art galleries. MAMbo joins the cultural network collaborating with different Institutions and Academies, in order to promote and stimulate the debate on contemporary culture.
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