The Rose Hotel

Pleasanton, CA

A luxurious boutique hotel in the heart of downtown Pleasanton, The Rose Hotel has the charm of a bed & breakfast with best in class hospitality.

Number of spaces

1 event space

Room Count

36 rooms

Food & Beverage

In-house catering


In-house A/V



Meetings are one of the driving forces of business, and one of the best practices among meeting planners is to take the gathering to an offsite location to eliminate distractions. We would argue that the better offsite locations result in better meeting outcomes. Our downtown location offers the convenience of a motel, the friendliness of a bed and breakfast, and the luxury of a fine hotel. Park your car in our lighted garage and stroll down Main Street to numerous restaurants, upscale shops, art galleries and salons. Click on the reservations bar to your right and book a Deluxe room or suite where an experience awaits you.



Food & Beverage

In-house catering

Lunch may be catered and served in the Boardroom, though meeting attendees are within easy walking distance of a host of casual and upscale restaurants.


In-house A/V

A secure wi-fi system and AV equipment are available.

Do you work for The Rose Hotel? Contact us to learn more about who's managing this profile or gain access.

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