For sushi in Kagurazaka, go to “Sushi Shin” Sushi Kokoro.
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Our biggest goal is to provide our customers with a comfortable and enjoyable time while enjoying fresh and delicious sushi. Using the skills of a sushi chef and the discerning eye of a sommelier, we strive to create a space where you can relax and unwind, and strive to provide hospitality to our customers with a once-in-a-lifetime feeling.The owner of Sushi Shin, Tsutomu Ohba, spent about 15 years honing his skills as a sushi chef in Ginza. His experience is present throughout Sushi Shin. Not only is he thorough in ensuring safe and secure hygiene management and is particular about deliciousness, but he also has great communication with customers and a spirit of hospitality. All of our staff work together as one and aim to create a store that will continue to be loved for a long time. When you come to Kagurazaka, be sure to visit Sushi Shin. We look forward to your visit with delicious sushi and true hospitality.
Condé Nast Traveler
Condé Nast Traveler
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