SPICE ROOM - 38th Ave

Denver, CO

For those with pure food indulgence in mind, come next door and sate your desires with our ever changing internationally and seasonally inspired vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options. We love food, lots of different food, just like you.

Cuisine Type


Food & Beverage

In-house catering
In-house beverage service


Unfortunately, SPICE ROOM - 38th Ave hasn't added any spaces to their profile on The Vendry.


We promise a relaxed dining experience that offers something different to local and out of state patrons and ensures you enjoy a memorable food experience every time. Behind every meal we love is a story. It’s more than just a bunch of ingredients. We know that the meals we make for those we love matter. Discover food love stories, brought to you by Spice Room. We promise a relaxed dining experience that offers something different to local and out of state patrons and ensures you enjoy a memorable food experience every time. Behind every meal we love is a story. It’s more than just a bunch of ingredients. We know that the meals we make for those we love matter. Discover food love stories, brought to you by Spice Room.




Year Established


Food & Beverage

In-house catering
In-house beverage service

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