19 Numara Bos Cirrik II
Classic meze dishes and stews, plus kebabs from a charcoal grill, in a buzzing Turkish restaurant.
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At Cirrik 2 we believe in food. Spontaneity. In the hunt for the perfect ingredient we realize we’re in a race against time. What’s the perfect ingredient today might not be tomorrow and that is why our kitchen is constantly changing on a daily basis. Our gold organic certification, which insures that 90% to 100% of our food and beverages are organic and free of pesticides, is only one of the many initiatives we’ve taken to reduce our carbon footprint. By sourcing nearly 95% of our products locally, minimizing ingredient waste and saving water, we want to go beyond labels and give as much care to how we operate as a restaurant as our farmers and purveyors do with the soil and sea. Everyone, from restaurants to home cooks, can make a difference, but it first requires a will to do so. Many of our ideas are not the most technically advanced, but they do require effort. We hope you are as inspired as we are to make the most of what we have now, so we can protect the food we love for the future.
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