Dunns Josephine Hotel
Dunns Josephine Hotel is located at 1028 Northwest 3rd Avenue, Miami, FL.
Unfortunately, Dunns Josephine Hotel hasn't added any spaces to their profile on The Vendry.
Kristin Kitchen, Founder and CEO of Sojourn Heritage Accommodations is embarking on a new way of doing business in the Heritage Tourism Industry. For the last 15 years, Kristin has been the owner and operator of the Six Acres Bed & Breakfast in Cincinnati, Ohio. Restoring this historic 6000-sq. ft. home that was once part of the Underground Railroad and turning it in to a successful business inspired Kristin to launch a new brand of boutique hotels that combine the intimacies of a bed and breakfast with the amenities of a 1st class hotel. With a background in real- estate development, having owned and managed over 20 residential and commercial properties, Kristin has taken that knowledge along with her passion for entrepreneurship to the next level. By integrating a model that not only transforms blighted or underutilized historic structures in Urban communities into viable hotel lodging spaces but in doing so, helps to restore the community by creating or enhancing existing business from within the community to operate as vendors for the hotel. “We create jobs and entrepreneurs with in each community because our mission is to make our communities better and to empower the people that live there.”
Condé Nast Traveler
Condé Nast Traveler
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