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LA Connection Comedy Theatre

Performance Space
Burbank, CA

Since 1977 the L.A. Connection Comedy Theatre’s mission has been to perfect the art of improvisation. To inspire, train, develop and nurture talent of all ages through rehearsals and weekly live performances.

Number of spaces

1 event space



Since 1977 the L.A. Connection Comedy Theatre’s mission has been to perfect the art of improvisation. To inspire, train, develop and nurture talent of all ages through rehearsals and weekly live performances. Our goal is to create a community of performers, who develop their talents in a supportive setting. A safe environment of trust, support, growth, and freedom allows our performers to showcase their individual talent in a group dynamic. The LAC will continue to expand our horizons in all areas of media to create opportunities for professional and amateur performers alike. We love to teach, we love to perform. We love to laugh. We love improvisation.



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