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Norco, CA

Venues in Norco, CA


Discussions (3)

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Feb 02, 2024

Good Morning! Have any of your planned /executed private group events in any of the Walt Disney World (Orlando) parks before? I've got a dinner and buyout of 2 attractions planned in Epcot for 600 (Contract signed and site visit complete). They've been great so far but since this is my first time working an event in their park and with their catering team I don't know what I don't know and would appreciate any tips of things I _should_ know that they may not tell you in advance. If you've thought "if only I knew that sooner" - I want to know! Would love to connect with anyone who can offer advice. Thank you!

5 Replies
Oct 11, 2023

Hi! Looking for a luxury resort in the US (East Coast, California, Arizona or Texas) that is roughly 200-400 rooms in size for a multi-day conference. Any places we aren't thinking of besides a Ritz or Four Seasons? Recommendations for places you've worked with in the past and loved would be especially welcomed!

3 Replies


