Studio B

Located In: Alchemical Studios

Standing: 20

Alchemical Studios

Alchemical Studios

Studio B
Alchemical Studios

50 West 17th Street New York, NY 10011

Business Space Location Map

Standing: 20

Square Feet: 322 ft2

Space Length: 14 ft

Space Width: 23 ft

Ceiling Height: 11 ft


Clean, quiet, concentrated work space, located in back of building. Three large windows with gentle southern natural light makes it also suitable for photo shoots. Most photographers bring a light kit in this studio. Window light is low for shooting. Ideal for table readings, rehearsals, classes and auditions. Also used as dressing room for shows in Studio A (included with performance contract). track lighting on dimmer – natural light – beautiful hardwood floor – chairs – tables – air conditioner – mirrors, racks, folding screens provided as dressing room