The Oyster Bar

Located In: Grand Central Oyster Bar & Restaurant

Seated: 23

Grand Central Oyster Bar & Restaurant

Grand Central Oyster Bar & Restaurant

The Oyster Bar
Grand Central Oyster Bar & Restaurant

89 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017

Business Space Location Map

Seated: 23

F&B Options
In-house catering
Frequent Uses
  • Private Dining

Opposite to the counters, and under half-size vaults and elongated (rather than round) chandeliers, is the oyster bar. Twenty-three high stools, upholstered in brown leather, line the counter, where places are set with blue-and-white checked napkins. It’s a popular place to sit and watch the activity. On the right, as you look at the oyster bar you see a deep triple sink surrounded by stainless steel shelves and racks packed with gray bins. These bins are filled with oysters and clams, iced to keep them fresh, and each is labeled with a paper plate that rises out of the bin like a half-moon.