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Meetings and Events Space

Located In: Myconian O

Myconian O

Myconian O

Meetings and Events Space
Myconian O

Mýkonos 846 00, Greece

Business Space Location Map
F&B Options
In-house catering
  • A/V Equipment
  • Air Conditioning
  • Swimming Pool
  • Outdoor Area
  • Great Views

We are always delighted to cater to small groups or newlyweds who would like to celebrate in the luxury and intimacy of our suites. However, for wedding banquets, conferencing, and corporate retreats, we call on our sister hotels in Elia with their state-of-the-art facilities, transport fleet, and extensive experience in hosting unforgettable events. Certified halal and kosher kitchens are available on request for groups and events, run in the spirit of our gourmet tradition. Learn more about our event planning services.