Garden on the Ramparts

Located In: South Gardens of Prague Castle

South Gardens of Prague Castle

South Gardens of Prague Castle

Garden on the Ramparts
South Gardens of Prague Castle

Hradčany, 119 00 Prague 1, Czechia

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  • Outdoor Area
  • Great Views

The name of the garden refers to an old rampart on the southern side of the Castle where later small gardens were founded to be turned into a natural park in the 19th century. In 1849, a fortification wall was built around the area and can still be seen there, although it has been lowered in 1920's during the renovations of Josip Plečnik. The garden has a unified geometric appearance and it runs beneath most of the southern face wall of Prague Castle. Its central terrace offers a breathtaking view of Prague. At the end of the gardens there is the so called Moravian Bastion, a secluded place where T. G. Masaryk liked to sit.