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Paradise Garden

Located In: South Gardens of Prague Castle

South Gardens of Prague Castle

South Gardens of Prague Castle

Paradise Garden
South Gardens of Prague Castle

Hradčany, 119 00 Prague 1, Czechia

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  • Outdoor Area
  • Great Views

The garden is situated on the spot of the oldest garden in front of the southern wall of the Castle, where a private garden of Archduke Ferdinand used to be in the fifties of the 16th century. Similarly, the emperor Rudolf II also had his private garden here with a bath or for example an aviary. Architect Plečnik designed its current image in 1920's. A monumetal straircase and a big granite bowl became its dominants. On one site the stone border even changes course to bypass probably one of the oldest trees at Prague Castle - a yew tree with the estimated age of about 400 years.