Calle de Bailén, Madrid, Spain
From the first designs of the New Royal Palace that was to replace the Alcázar in Madrid, the kitchen occupied a large area on the first floor of the building's basement, with enough space for the different Trades of the Royal House related to food to develop your work as easily and comfortably as possible. It was not for nothing that it was about the feeding of royal people and the court. The current Palacio kitchen is the result of evolution and the passing of the years to which the advances that were being made in this field were incorporated. Stoves, ovens, hot plates, dumbwaiters and one of the first refrigerators are good examples of this. Other elements to highlight are those that are part of the kitchenware such as molds, pans, bowls, basins, knives, wooden forks and spoons, weights and scales, mortars of different sizes and other utensils for daily use. The space is divided into various sections depending on the role that is carried out in each place by cooks and assistants.