Ground Floor Gallery

Located In: Gaffel am Dom

Seated: 40

Gaffel am Dom

Gaffel am Dom

Ground Floor Gallery
Gaffel am Dom

1 Bahnhofsvorplatz Köln, NRW 50667

Business Space Location Map

Seated: 40

F&B Options
In-house catering
  • A/V Equipment
  • Air Conditioning
  • Bar
  • Sound System

Every guest will find their favorite spot here. Here, Cologne brewery tradition meets a distinctive and friendly ambience. Special highlights are our large bottle wall with original bottles from all over the world, the colorful and atmospheric skylight, our free-standing copper cauldrons and of course the view of the cathedral. Come in and feel at home in our house - we warmly welcome you! For a few days a year, our brewery hall offers the best conditions for our parties on carnival or New Year's Eve. The mint singing concert with Björn Heuser also takes place on our ground floor. And when we broadcast the highlights of the football season on our big screen, the atmosphere in the hall rises to its peak.