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The Main Grandstand

Located In: Ippodromo di San Siro

Ippodromo di San Siro

Ippodromo di San Siro

The Main Grandstand
Ippodromo di San Siro

32 Piazza della Repubblica Milano, Lombardia 20124

Business Space Location Map
  • A/V Equipment
  • TV
  • Lighting Equipment
  • Outdoor Area

In perfect Art Nouveau style, it is located between the fountain and the track. Under the bleachers there are two refreshment areas: the "Bar del Turf" and the restaurant "La Bouvette di Leonardo". The parterre is located between the Main Grandstand and the Palazzina del Peso and opens onto a large rectangular space that ends at the edge of the track, where the stage for the awards is located. Its use is versatile and can accommodate any type of display.