Borusan Contemporary
Borusan Contemporary places contemporary art at the center of life with its exhibitions and events.
Unfortunately, Borusan Contemporary hasn't added any spaces to their profile on The Vendry.
Borusan Contemporary is an institution devoted to contemporary art, providing a multi-platform program of exhibitions, events, and educational activities rooted in the Borusan Contemporary Art Collection whilst promoting the production of new artworks and publications through commissions. Since 2011, these programs are defined by their specific focus on international artists who work with photography, video, sound, light, software, data, and other technological mediums that are, by and large, pertinent to New Media art. The exhibition and event programs take place at the Perili Köşk housing the headquarters of Borusan Holding, thus creating a distinctive art center within an office paradigm as well as an innovative and creative model in the business world.
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