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Multi-Purpose Rooms A&B

Located In: Harold Washington Library Center, Chicago Public Library

Seated: 200

Harold Washington Library Center, Chicago Public Library

Harold Washington Library Center, Chicago Public Library

Multi-Purpose Rooms A&B
Harold Washington Library Center, Chicago Public Library

400 South State Street Chicago, IL 60605

Business Space Location Map

Seated: 200

  • A/V Equipment
  • Projector & Screen
  • Microphones
  • Breakout Rooms

Steps away from the Cindy Pritzker Auditorium and Video Theater on the lower level, the Multi-Purpose Rooms accommodate up to 200 people theater style and are perfect for lectures, weekday luncheons, conferences and meetings. The Multi-Purpose Rooms are the ideal venue to use in conjunction with the Cindy Pritzker Auditorium and Video Theater. The rooms include a drop-down screen, WiFi, and a podium and microphone.