Grand Dining Room

Located In: Villa Canada

Seated: 24

Villa Canada

Villa Canada

Grand Dining Room
Villa Canada

Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 26, 2100 København, Denmark

Business Space Location Map

Seated: 24

F&B Options
In-house catering
  • Air Conditioning
Frequent Uses
  • Private Dining

Have Copenhagen’s famous gastronomic scene brought to you and experience a unique private dining evening in Villa Canada. Let Villa Canada’s resident staff arrange a unique dining experience and explore the Nordic cuisine from one of our exclusive gourmet partners in the comfort of Villa Canada’s characteristic grand dining room. Our handpicked gastronomic partners have many years of experience from some of the best Michelin restaurants in Denmark. They offer a great variety of food based on the local produce and the season, with each experience curated to your preferences. Based on availability you can also indulge in a private “famous chef” evening at Villa Canada. Have chefs from the top restaurants in Copenhagen prepare your menu in Villa Canada. Voyage on an elevated gastronomic journey of the Nordic cuisine in Villa Canada and enjoy the Villa’s extraordinary setting and our loyal partnerships for a unique tailor-made private in-house dining experience.