The Brass Hat

Located In: Bode Gray's

Standing: 50

Bode Gray's

Bode Gray's

The Brass Hat
Bode Gray's

125 West 1st Street Waconia, MN 55387

Business Space Location Map

Standing: 50

F&B Options
In-house catering
  • Bar
Frequent Uses
  • Private Dining

A speakeasy for the modern day. 100 years ago during the height of Prohibition, Waconia residents enjoyed libations at the Sunset Inn, a speakeasy on Coney Island. During that time, speakeasies used a variety of methods to identify genuine customers from undercover agents. Some used secret passwords or special knocks, but the majority printed membership cards, which customers had to present in order to gain entry. While the rules have changed, we pay homage to that tradition today. The Brass Hat will be open to the public, however, members will have special privileges and benefits.