Bridge Bon-Appetit

Located In: Restaurant Hubert

Standing: 35

Restaurant Hubert

Restaurant Hubert

Bridge Bon-Appetit
Restaurant Hubert

15 Bligh Street Sydney, NSW 2000

Business Space Location Map

Standing: 35

F&B Options
In-house catering
Frequent Uses
  • Private Dining

The Bridge Bon-Appétit is a catwalk floating above the Beatrix Dining Room equipped with its own private kitchen and a dedicated team of dedicated wait-staff serving drinks, canapés (such as roe boats, crisp fried zucchini flowers and petit Normandy burgers) and sharing platters (from cured meats and cheeses to a caviar service replete with blini and cultured cream). It has a capacity of 35 standing guests, and is very well suited to cocktail parties, birthday celebrations, and team-building events.