Information Age

Located In: Science Museum of South Kensington

Standing: 400

Science Museum of South Kensington

Science Museum of South Kensington

Information Age
Science Museum of South Kensington

Exhibition Rd, South Kensington, London SW7, UK

Business Space Location Map

Standing: 400

F&B Options
Preferred catering available

Information Age is a fascinating space celebrating more than 200 years of innovation in information and communication technologies and is available for evening hire. Accommodating up to 400 guests, it is the perfect venue for standing drinks receptions. Information Age is divided into six zones, each representing a different technology network. The gallery explores the important events that shaped the development of these networks, from the growth of the worldwide telegraph to the influence of mobile phones on our lives today. Invite your guests to relive remarkable moments in history, told through the eyes of those who invented, operated, or were affected by the new wave of technology, from the first BBC radio broadcast in 1922 to the dawn of digital TV. They can also see where Her Majesty The Queen sent her first Tweet when she opened the gallery in 2014.