Garden of Horstwirtschaft

Located In: Klunkerkranich



Garden of Horstwirtschaft

66 Karl-Marx-Straße Berlin, BE 12043

Business Space Location Map
F&B Options
In-house catering
  • Outdoor Area
  • Rooftop
  • Great Views

Since the beginning of the Wattled Crane, a group of plant enthusiasts and herbalists have been taking care of the green growth on what is probably the most beautiful parking deck in the city! Organized as the non-profit association "Horstwirtschaft eV" since 2016, the KlunkerGarten is maintained by volunteer gardeners. The following applies here: the garden is for everyone! There are no private or leased beds, the garden is used collectively and is accessible to everyone free of charge during the Klunkerkranich's opening hours. We attach great importance to gardening that is as natural as possible, we do not use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and we also regard the garden as a place that can preserve and improve biodiversity in the city. Help and cooperation are welcome! Talk to us, write us an e-mail, attend one of our workshops or come to our regular newcomer days! We look forward to every helping hand and every new idea!