Main Bar

Located In: Lidkoeb

Seated: 65



Main Bar

LIDKOEB, Vesterbrogade 72B, 1620 kbh, Danmark

Business Space Location Map

Seated: 65

F&B Options
In-house catering
  • Heating
  • Bar
Frequent Uses
  • Private Dining

Our Main Bar is located on the ground floor of Lidkoeb. This is the area that we proudly open to the public every day. The room is dominated by the long oak bar top, the high draught taps and the cozy open fireplace. Everything is kept light and classic, but with a modern feel. The floor has booth style seating, but with low backs so you don’t feel alone, once you are in your seat. The area comfortably seats 65 guests in a variety of levels and can accommodate a big portion of standing guests. It is a room, that is equally comfortable on the long light summer nights and the cold winter evenings with the roaring fireplace warming you up.