Randolph, NJ
Event Tech

Event Tech Providers in Randolph, NJ


Discussions (1)

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Apr 09, 2024

Hi everyone! This is not directly related to events but thought this might be a good source for recommendations. Thanks in advance for anything you can share.

We are looking for a tech support company to provide remote support for our company.

• Experience supporting/working with small companies.

• Must have Google workspace and date security expertise. We use Google Workspace exclusively for creating, managing and sharing documents.

• Review current Google Drive infrastructure and make recommendations based on our needs/workflow structure (shared drives, permission settings, etc.)

• Data protection and security - Assess, identify weak spots, and suggest solutions.

• Ensure that our data protection complies with the data policies provided by our clients.

• Overall security standards for employees’ laptops and log-ins.

• Recommend additional digital tools/resources/improvements as needed.

• Solve/resolve IT issues that arise.

2 Replies


