Gifts And Swag, gifts-and-swag
Gifts & Swag

Gifts & Swag Providers in Gifts And Swag, gifts-and-swag


Discussions (47)

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Apr 03, 2024

Hi! Every year for our annual event we give out a water bottle, pen, and notebook, so it’s very much expected by our execs and attendees BUT I’m trying to figure out a way to make this more sustainable. Any recs on how to encourage people bring their own water bottles or take notes electronically or something? Would be a nice to have to be able to move the budget, but mostly feels almost like a waste to give the same things each year when we have decent retention

3 Replies
Mar 27, 2024

Hi All, Does anyone have a vendor they have worked with on high-end custom swag items for guests/donors?

2 Replies


