Corporate Travel Management, corporate-travel-management
Corporate Travel Management

Corporate Travel Management Agencies in Corporate Travel Management, corporate-travel-management


Discussions (6)

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Mar 14, 2024

Hey all! Does anyone have a great recommendation for a company that can help take the load off me related to travel and hotel booking? I am currently looking at Cvent, but I am not sure how much front end work it will be to get this set up and then convincing all of my employees to self service will be a mountain to climb. Anyone else have something great they use? Thanks in advance

4 Replies
Jan 17, 2024

Looking for a custom gifting experience for 180 people on Maui. We’re looking at sneakers, jackets and open to other ideas. I want them to walk away with something, not get shipped something they pick 6 weeks after the fact. The client isn’t interested in Maui Jims. Any ideas?

6 Replies


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