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3 Discussions Mention Caterers in Canada

Nov 28, 2023

Looking for recommendations for Toronto caterers (or can be anyone in Canada) that are interested in helping to support with shipping out a recipe kit for a virtual chef event on 12/13. We have several attendees in Canada and need someone to help ship ingredients in-country. Even caterers who haven't done this type of support before, we have perfected the art of shipping ingredients in the past few years and can help talk you through it - we don't want to disappoint our Canadian attendees! Thanks in advance!

2 Replies
Jul 21, 2023

I’m back again! Any recommendations for caterers in Toronto?

6 Replies
Apr 11, 2023

Can anyone recommend a company they trust who fabricates booths/stands in Toronto area? I am finding my budgets for US vendors are getting stretched because of the cost to truck into Canada.

3 Replies
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