January 2019
Team Building Event
New York, NY
Under 25 Attendees
From Premier Team Building & Interactive Experiences®
Are you a closeted Steven Spielberg? Does your colleague have an inner Meryl Streep, waiting to burst? Our 2 Minute Play Project is the opportunity to shine! Teams are challenged to earn a variety of supplies they’ll need to write, direct, design, and ultimately, perform a 2 minute play. While “choices” are involved, we have a few tricks up our sleeve to ensure maximum creativity, and instill a sense of competition. For those who wish to preserve their stories on film, our 2 Minute Movie Project is built upon the same structure; however, participants utilize digital cameras and film their scenes. We’ve collaborated with top theatrical professionals from Broadway, off-Broadway, national tours, and the filmmaking industry to design a truly exceptional, engaging, theatrical experience for you!
Event Team