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Mar 22, 2024

hi San Francisco folks - my friend is on the board for the Decorator Showcase Home and they are renting it out for corporate/private events the mont of May - so cool! Details here (DM me if you'd like me to connect you): Host a private event to thank your premier customers or to celebrate special occasions with friends and family in a spectacular venue: the 45th San Francisco Decorator Showcase. The stunning Dutch Colonial mansion located at 2898 Broadway provides a unique experience for your guests with exquisite designs and magnificent views of the Bay. Designers will be available to greet guests and answer questions about their designs during your event.

Dec 07, 2023

Hi All!

Anyone out there have any recommendations on a venue with around 40' - 60' ceilings and availability for 6 months? Would be for an experiential build and event. Have explored hangars, warehouses, sound stages, etc so let me know if you have anything along that vein. Thank you in advance.

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