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Within 1 mile of Spaces - San Francisco - Levi's Plaza

Venues near Spaces - San Francisco - Levi's Plaza

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Apr 08, 2024

Looking for restaurant recommendations that are open on a Sunday night (7:30 PM), mid-to-upscale for ~9 people in San Francisco (ideally downtown-ish area). Some of the places I've found that look great aren't open on Sundays!

4 Replies
Mar 26, 2024

More SF & LA questions for you all!

1. SF: Need 2 locations for a roundtable of 20-25 people that will serve breakfast or lunch. Prefer a restaurant, but am def open to hotel or meeting venue. (April 15 & 16). (I found this SF thread from a few weeks ago, but I think we have a little more budget than Wendy!)

2. LA: Need 2 dinner locations for April 16 & 17, about 15pax each dinner. Looking in West Hollywood/Beverly Hills area for Tuesday & Santa Monica/West Side area for Wednesday. Something nice, and quiet enough that it will allow for conversation (business dinners with potential clients).

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