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New York, NY
1 Neighborhoods

50+ Discussions Mention Venues in Midtown, New York City, NY

Apr 11, 2024

@here looking for a great Midtown Manhattan venue with view and rooftop for a corporate 1 day event in July. Preferably two event spaces that can hold 150 people seated. In house AV and catering

5 Replies
Apr 05, 2024

Looking for a space in NYC for a product launch event.

100 people

Apple product tech launch look and feel.

Ideally with inhouse AV

4 Replies
Mar 27, 2024

Hi everyone, I'm looking for a private room in a restaurant that can accomodate up to 25 people. Max budget approx 5-6k all in. (Manhattan required, below midtown preferred). Any recs?

5 Replies
Mar 21, 2024

Hi! Does anyone have any recommendations for restaurants in NYC (specifically Soho or West Village) that can seat 20 people for dinner? Trying to find a spot where people won't be stuck at a table(s) and can get up, walk around and talk to everyone at the dinner party.

4 Replies
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