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Super Bowl Live 2018

February 2018
Sporting Event
Minneapolis, MN
From Heroic Productions
Heroic Productions was elated to be one of just two local AV companies to be selected by the producers of Super Bowl LIVE 2018. As the designated lighting contractors, we were tasked with lighting six entire blocks of Nicollet Mall in downtown Minneapolis, the top of the IDS Center, and the popular Verizon UP Stage, for a 10 day show. Being that this event took place solely outside in the middle of winter, our team faced a number of unique challenges. We had to be prepared for anything, including snow, freezing rain, wind, and temperature extremes (translate below zero!) The two plus weeks of set-up, show, and tear-down included all of the above, and the staff and crew at Heroic Productions weathered it all (pun intended) to great success. Planning was key, and involved staging equipment and cases using every available inch of space in our warehouses, prepping hundreds of lights and movers of all kinds, miles of cable, and a can-do attitude from everyone involved. Logistics, set up, daily maintenance and tear-down were scripted to the finest detail, and it was evident in the glowing post-show review we received from the NFL's event producers.
Venue map
Downtown Minneapolis
Minneapolis, MN
Event Team
Agencies & Vendors

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