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Stream Reality Partners Open House

April 2024
Washington, DC
150 - 200 Attendees
From WOW Entertainment Inc.
Stream Reality Partners wanted an innovative way to promote space at the Gallup Building in Washington, DC and approached us to design an entertaining as well as slightly challenging 9 hole mini golf course rental. One hole had a branded turf logo as well as branded flag designated as the Gallup Building Hole. Amongst the obstacles were the traditional Loop de Loop, Steel Bridge and Railway Bridge. Custom holes had to be designed not only for the space itself but based on the logistics of the venue as the freight elevators did not accommodate the standard size mini golf pieces. Stream Reality Partners reported that commercial real estate agents not only played the mini golf experience but stayed longer than normal which allowed Stream Reality Partners to spend more time engaging with these agents and sharing more details about the building.
Venue map
Gallup Building
Washington, DC
Event Team
Agencies & Vendors