May 2024
San Francisco, CA
200 - 500 Attendees
From Sound Image
SFJAZZ held its annual Gala, and Sound Image SF had the pleasure of supporting its local partner with sound and lighting. The stunning event included five spaces showcasing world-class performances and elegant dining inside the SFJAZZ Center and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, The Bowes Center. Inside the SFJAZZ Center, Sound Image provided two additional Meyer Sound systems in the main-floor and second-floor lobbies. In the Robert N. Miner Auditorium, 18 Cohesion wedges and a Yamaha DM7-EX were provided to accompany the in-house sound systems. Our Bay Area lighting team transformed the lobbies, stairs, bistro, auditorium, and reception area at the SFJAZZ Center and illuminated the Conservatory of Music with accent lighting. A truly special event supporting SFJAZZ’s largest fundraiser of the year, benefiting programs and advancing jazz in the Bay Area and beyond.
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