InVision DX-Munich

October 2018
Conference / Summit
Munich, Germany
50 - 100 Attendees
What kind of inspiration would you take away from a walking typography tour of a city founded in the Middle Ages, spending an afternoon being inspired by the next generation of designers, a deep dive tour, discussion and understanding of street art and it's foundational typography, or a day spent throwing layers of paint on a blank canvas, just to see what happens? What sense of place would you feel after spending a week with peers from around the world and realizing they confront the same challenges as you? InVision came to us with an idea: an idea to send members of the UX design community on a thoughtfully curated, weeklong trip to Munich, where they would be empowered to get out from behind the screen and for them to learn with, and from, their design peers in Germany. With a moving target theme that skirted "Typography" we were off and running! In addition to the itinerary items listed above, we also planned a visit to the Museum of Contemporary Art, curated dinners with local designers, tours of IBM Watson IoT and Kaiser X Labs and a leadership workshop on design systems. Travel makes the world feel smaller and its people more connected, and InVision's Design Exchange brought that to the design community as well. Travelers were transformed—both in their work and in their souls—by an exchange of ideas, an empathy for the problems we have as humans designers, and simply the friendships fostered on the trip.
Venue map
25hours Hotel München The Royal Bavarian
Munich, Germany
Event Team
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