Incomplete Conversations

March 2020
Chicago, IL
500 - 1,000 Attendees
From Silent Theatre Company
We present the remount of our hit, site specific, immersive theatrical experience, Incomplete Conversations, taking place in every room of Tapestry Fellowship Church and exploring the emotional shockwaves of an unexpected death within a family and a church community. It wrestles with questions of when we ought to speak up, when we ought to keep quiet and how to love people with whom we disagree. To accomplish this exploration, the audience is invited to enter and immerse themselves in multi-dimensional action that will fill up all the spaces in this real church where the family prepares to bury the young pastor, say their goodbyes and maybe find out who killed him. The Chicago Reader highly recommended the show’s initial run, saying, “Faith, pride, and death's mystery all enter the picture. What an astonishing play.” Third Coast Review gave the production 3.5/4 stars, saying, “Voss seems to be drawing from the rich tradition of family sagas and I got a distinct August Osage County vibe from some of the louder melodramatics. And coupled with the supernatural element and church setting, there are some nicely placed musings on faith, spirituality, regret and purpose.” Picture This Post gave the show their highest recommendation, observing, “There’s a whodunit in the air. There is the why-why-why of loss, and the meaning of life.” What will you leave unsaid?
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