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Charity: Water Annual Fundraising Gala

December 2018
San Francisco, CA
From All of it Now
In June of 2018 Trademark Events asked us to help them pitch on an exciting charity event that was to be hosted at the San Francisco Armory later that year. The event, Charity: Water’s annual fundraising gala, was leaving its home in NYC and wanted to arrive on the West Coast with a bang. After a bit of brainstorming with Trademark and the Charity: Water team, we landed on an installation concept that would inspire awe – an enclosed, 88 ft. diameter LED ring, dubbed the Halo. Inspired by the Charity: Water mission, we joined the cause and set out to make the Halo a reality. All of it Now was tasked to plan, program, and display all content in 360° format for the Halo due to our experience with experiential video installation and operation. The Halo displayed 360° video provided by Bodega Studios and other Charity: Water partners, and also featured generative graphics developed in-house at AOIN. We were asked to design, build, and operate a bespoke donation app, feeding live data into our generative graphics engine and visualizing funds raised throughout the night in real-time. Each attendee was given a personalized tablet to select a donation amount, with the Halo displaying real-time pledge amounts. By the end of the evening, the immersive fundraising experience had exceeded expectations by raising over $7 million! This money will be used to purchase a new water drilling rig and fund drilling projects to deliver clean drinking water for over 500 communities in Ethiopia.
Event Team
Agencies & Vendors